Alors qu’une mise à jour pour le titre de Guerilla Games a fait son arrivée il y a deux semaines de cela, il accueille aujourd’hui le patch 1.31 apportant son lot de correctif et un petit ajout qui devrait ravir les joueurs qui cherchaient une bonne raison de le relancer.
Horizon Zero Dawn fait probablement partie des titres les plus en vogue du premier semestre de l’année 2017 comme en témoigne notre test, et la récente annonce de son DLC ne risque pas de calmer la hype ambiante. D’ailleurs, le jeu continue de recevoir des mises à jour comme en témoigne le patch 1.30 sorti aujourd’hui même et ajoutant un nouveau mode de difficulté. Le mode Ultra Hard offrira aux joueurs ayant déjà terminé l’aventure un challenge supplémentaire, tandis que le mode New Game + améliorera la replay value du titre de façon non négligeable. De quoi patienter comme il se doit en attendant le contenu téléchargeable The Frozen Wilds qui permettra aux joueurs de profiter de nouvelles aventures prenant place dans le monde d’Aloy.
Notez que de nombreux correctifs sont également de la partie dans cette update pesant environ 300 Mo. Pour les anglophones, on vous propose de le retrouver en intégralité ci-dessous
General Fixes
- Fixed an issue where for certain players hitting an armour plate with a bomb while the machine is frozen would cause more damage than intended.
- Fixed an issue where for some players the statistics of the Tearblaster were incorrectly displayed in the weapon wheel.
- Fixed an issue where for certain players heavy melee damage was the same on different difficulty levels.
- Fixed an issue in “The Looming Shadow” where for some players two guards would disappear after Blameless Marad speaks to them.
- Fixed an issue where for some players the auto save at the start of “Mother’s Heart” would not display the name of the quest and the player’s level indicator.
New Game+ and Ultra Hard mode fixes
- Fixed an issue in New Game+ “The Point of the Spear” where for some players loading an auto save after speaking to Rost at his home would start from Karst’s location rather than near Rost.
- Fixed an issue in New Game+ “A Seeker at the Gates” where for certain players the objective ‘Override a Strider’ would remain on screen when using the Call Mount skill.
- Fixed an issue in New Game + where certain players were not able to enter or fast travel to Sunfall with the Adept Shadow Stalwart armour equipped.
- Fixed an issue in New Game+ where some players with the Adept Blast Sling were granted access to the Shock Trial in the Valleymeet Hunting Grounds, despite not having Shock ammo.
- Fixed an issue in New Game+ where some players with the Adept Blast Sling were granted access to the Freeze Trial in the Valleymeet Hunting Grounds, despite not having Freeze ammo.
- Fixed an issue in New Game+ where for some players kills with the Adept Tripcaster were not counted towards the Blast Wire Trial in the Nora Hunting Grounds.
- Fixed an issue in New Game+ where certain players were able to carry over heavy weapons from their normal game to their New Game+ loadout.
- Fixed an issue when playing on Ultra Hard mode where for some players shard values in player created errands are not updated when switching to a lower difficulty.
Progression issue fixes
- Fixed an issue in “Deep Secrets of the Earth” where certain players would become trapped in a room if they solved the Power Puzzle while leaving the enemies guarding it alive. This fix requires a reload in order for it to work.
- Various crash fixes
- Various text fixes